
Category : Biology

New research finds that sewage release is worse for rivers than agriculture

Ahead of World Rivers Day (24 September), new research by the University of Oxford reveals that sewage discharge into rivers has a greater impact on water quality, and the animals and plants that live in rivers, than surrounding land use. The findings have been published in the journals Global Change Biology and Ecological Solutions and Evidence.

BiologySep 21, 2023

Early-stage human kidneys grown in pigs for first time

Researchers have coaxed human stem cells to form early-stage human kidneys in pigs—the first time a human organ has been produced in another animal. The advance, stem cell researchers say, could bring pig-grown human organs closer to reality, offering a new solution for the many people on waitlists for transplants.

BiologySep 21, 2023

‘Inverse vaccine’ could help tame autoimmune diseases

Vaccines rile up the immune system against pathogen invaders. But in autoimmune diseases, the immune system becomes the enemy. Scientists have now figured out a way to tamp down this self-destructive response in mice by attaching sugars to molecules that provoke immune cells. This “inverse vaccine,” reported this month in Nature Biomedical Engineering, could potentially lead to new ways to combat autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and lupus.

BiologySep 21, 2023

Worms with spider genes spin silk tougher than bulletproof Kevlar

Spider silk is stretchy, strong, and tough. But genetically engineering a more cooperative organism to produce it has proved elusive. Now, researchers have used gene editing to make silkworms that can spin spider fibers tougher than the Kevlar used in bulletproof vests.

BiologySep 21, 2023
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