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Category : Chip Tech

The AI Revolution Has Officially Arrived—Here’s What it Looks Like On the Ground

Over the last few months, the conversation around AI has reached a fever pitch of intensity. In conference rooms and lecture halls, trade publications and the mainstream press, the message is the same: AI is about to change everything—and fast.

Chip TechJan 23, 2024

Study outlines what challenges need to be overcome to make DNA chips more applicable as storage media

The hereditary molecule DNA can store a great deal of information over long periods of time in a very small space. For a good 10 years, scientists have therefore been pursuing the goal of developing DNA chips for computer technology, for example for the long-term archiving of data. Such chips would be superior to conventional silicon-based chips in terms of storage density, longevity, and sustainability.

Chip TechJan 2, 2024

Photonic chip that 'fits together like Lego' opens door to semiconductor industry

Researchers at the University of Sydney Nano Institute have invented a compact silicon semiconductor chip that integrates electronics with photonic, or light, components. The new technology significantly expands radio-frequency (RF) bandwidth and the ability to accurately control information flowing through the unit.

Chip TechJan 2, 2024

A microfluidic magnetic detection system for tumor-derived exosome analysis

In a study published on 7 November 2023 in the journal Microsystems & Nanoengineering, researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Tech University, have developed an innovative microfluidic magnetic detection system (μFMS) for analyzing tumor-derived exosomes (TDEs), potential biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. This groundbreaking system could greatly enhance the early detection and treatment of cancer.

Chip TechJan 2, 2024

Button and Coin Cell Batteries

From wearables to audio devices, all devices need power. Increasingly, the solution for many smaller and often portable products, is to use ‘button batteries’ (non-lithium) or ‘coin cell’ (lithium).

Chip TechDec 8, 2023
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